12th experimental reading "The House of Little Scientists"

Even and especially in preschool, children enjoy researching and playfully developing questions that they can solve themselves with the help of adults. This book shows that imagination and science are not opposites, because it brings them together: 

Exciting and amusing stories lead up to the following experiment. If you would like to know a little more, you will find plenty of reading material to explain it. The best experiments are presented in a special kind of reading: Why and how sweets dissolve all by themselves. Why our voice sounds completely different to us than it does to others. How a balloon valve works and why we have valves in our bodies. How you can walk on water. How a drinking straw rocket works. And how everyone can go sledging in summer.
This book was produced in co-operation with the "Haus der kleinen Forscher" foundation.
With a book table at a local bookshop. I will be happy to sign books and give autographs!

Target group: Curious children and parents aged 4 and over;
Duration: 30-45-60 minutes, depending on your wishes;
Cost: VHS;
Time frame: plus 1 hour each for set-up and dismantling.
Image material for the application is provided free of charge

Detailed information on request.